Series 1 (1990)
This series until Series 6 was all released on neon blue cards.
(Please click on the names to see the pictures)
(Please click on the names to see the pictures)
- Hulk Hogan - Move: Gorilla Press Slam
- The Ultimate Warrior - Move: Ultimate Smash (green tights)
- André the Giant - Move: Giant Jolt
- Demolition Ax - Move: Ax Attack
- Demolition Smash - Move: Demolition Smasher
- Ravishing Rick Rude - Move: Rude Awakening Headlock
- Randy "Macho Man" Savage - Move: Elbow Smash
- Akeem (blue card!) - Move: Body Slam
- The Big Bossman - Move: Hard Time Slam (with night stick; plump and wearing shades)
- "Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase - Move: Million Dollar Punch (Black Tux; with Million Dollar Belt)
- Jake "The Snake" Roberts - Move: Python Punch (with snake 'Damian')
- Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake - Move: Sleeper Hold (with shears) (magenta tights and orange shears)